Verifone vx670 – Skimmer device FOR SALE – (OFFLINE POS TERMINAL PORTABLE)
• Copy the credit card
• Store track 1 and 2, 3.
• Copy credit card pin code.
• Store pin code.
• Printing fake receipt.
The machine can store track 1/2/3 along with pin CODE and time-stamp AND credit card details.
And must have options to say approved, communication error, declined, unknown error, and INSUFF funds.
Available Options:
[-]Machine can process both Debit and Credit cards.
[-]Can say approved, communication error, declined, unknown error, and INSUFF funds.
[-]You can limit the machine not to process more than X number of transactions.
[-]Can customize the Merchant receipt and customer receipt on your own
[-]Data is 3DES encrypted, only a valid key can able to decrypt it (ON/OFF feature
Process both debit and credit cards, the machine will never communicate with the real bank server, the machine is not physically tampered with, just software was modded. It cannot process real transactions, it will fake the actual transactions, gives you a receipt, and store track 1 and 2, 3 +pin code, which you can download later on your pc.
Free Delivery
Delivery time:
We ship all orders within 24 hours after completion of the order.
Delivery time is 2 – 7 working days depending on which country you live in.
Please check that you have entered the correct shipping address.
We are not responsible for undeliverable orders due to incorrect addresses.
Warranty information:
This product is guaranteed to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for 1 year from the date of purchase.
We will, without charge, repair or replace at our option, any device returned for warranty work and found to be defective by us.
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